Bier amputation

Bier am·pu·ta·tion

(bēr), osteoplastic amputation of tibia and fibula.

Bier am·pu·ta·tion

(bēr amp'yū-tā'shŭn) Osteoplastic amputation of tibia and fibula.


August K.G., German surgeon, 1861-1949. Bier amputation - osteoplastic amputation of the tibia and fibula.Bier amputation sawBier block anesthesiaBier combined treatmentBier hyperemiaBier method - (1) Synonym(s): intravenous regional anesthesia; - (2) treatment of various surgical conditions by reactive hyperemia.Bier spots - Synonym(s): Marshall-White syndromeBier syndrome - Synonym(s): Marshall-White syndrome