

(ăng′glō-ī′rĭsh)n.1. A native of England living in Ireland.2. A native of Ireland living in England.3. A person of mixed Irish and English ancestry.4. See Irish English.
An′glo-I′rish adj.


n 1. the Anglo-Irish (functioning as plural) the inhabitants of Ireland of English birth or descent 2. (Linguistics) the English language as spoken in Ireland adj 3. of or relating to the Anglo-Irish 4. of or relating to English and Irish 5. (Linguistics) of or relating to the English language as spoken in Ireland


(ˈæŋ gloʊˈaɪ rɪʃ)

adj. 1. belonging to, relating to, or involving England and Ireland: Anglo-Irish literature. 2. of or pertaining to the Anglo-Irish. n. 3. (used with a pl. v.) persons of English descent, or of mixed English and Irish descent, living in Ireland. 4. Hi-berno-English. [1785–95]