Mohrenheim space

in·fra·cla·vic·u·lar fos·sa

[TA] a triangular depression bounded by the clavicle and the adjacent borders of the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. Synonym(s): fossa infraclavicularis [TA], deltoideopectoral trigone, infraclavicular triangle, Mohrenheim fossa, Mohrenheim space, regio infraclavicularis

Mohrenheim space

(mōr′ĕn-hīm″) [Baron J. J. Freiherr von Mohrenheim, Austrian surgeon, 1759–1799] Space between the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles just beneath the clavicle.


Joseph J. Freiherr von, Austrian-Russian surgeon, 1755-1799. Mohrenheim fossa - a triangular depression bounded by the clavicle and the adjacent borders of the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles. Synonym(s): infraclavicular fossa; Mohrenheim spaceMohrenheim space - Synonym(s): Mohrenheim fossa