Oconee Station State Historic Site

Oconee Station State Historic Site

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / South Carolina
Location:2 miles off SC 11 in the extreme western tip of the state.
Facilities:Interpretive trail, bike trail, historic features.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, biking, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park contains two historic structures: a stone blockhouse (fort) constructed in 1792 and known as Oconee Station, and a two-story brick residence built in 1805 and known as the William Richards House. The site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Address:500 Oconee Station Rd
Walhalla, SC 29691

Web: www.southcarolinaparks.com/park-finder/state-park/1887.aspx
Size: 210 acres.

See other parks in South Carolina.