no thanks to you

no thanks to (someone or something)

Without any help from someone or something. Implies that the task or action being discussed was accomplished without assistance from the person or thing mentioned, even though they could or should have helped. We finally reached our fundraising goal, no thanks to any local businesses, who all declined to donate. Yes, we just finished cleaning the garage—no thanks to you. Where have you been?See also: no, thanks

no thanks to you

I cannot thank you for what happened, because you did not cause it.; I cannot thank you for your help, because you did not give it. Bob: Well, despite our previous disagreement, he seemed to agree to all our demands. Alice: Yes, no thanks to you. I wish you'd learn to keep your big mouth shut! Jane: It looks like the picnic wasn't ruined despite the fact that I forgot the potato salad. Mary: Yes, it was okay. No thanks to you, of course.See also: no, thanks

(be) no thanks to somebody/something

(be) in spite of somebody/something: It’s no thanks to you that we arrived on time — you kept wanting to stop!See also: no, somebody, something, thanks