Kiribati Youth Day
Kiribati Youth Day
The constitution of Kiribati requires children between the ages of 6 and 15 years old to attend school. Primary school includes grades 1 through 6, and Junior Secondary School (JSS) includes grades 7 through 9. Once students complete JSS, they may choose to continue on to secondary schools or to pursue vocational or technical careers. Students must successfully complete secondary school in order to attend a higher education institution.
August 7 in Kiribati has been declared Youth Day. The purpose of this national holiday is to promote healthy lifestyles among the youth in Kiribati. Like Health Day in Kiribati, some of the main events of the day center on sports competitions—soccer, volleyball, boxing, tennis, basketball, and other traditional games such as local wrestling and more. For those youths not participating in the sporting events, there are also local dancing and singing competitions. Youth from the different districts and islands in Kiribati compete in these various events. Afterwards, a youth beauty pageant is held.
Kiribati National Tourism Office
Ministry of Communication, Transport & Tourism Development
P.O. Box 487
Betio, Tarawa Republic of Kiribati