Acronym | Definition |
NLF➣Norges Lastebileier-Forbund (Norwegian: Norway's Truck Association) |
NLF➣Not in Labor Force |
NLF➣National Liberation Front |
NLF➣National Library of Finland |
NLF➣Nasal Lavage Fluid |
NLF➣Nasolabial Fold (facial feature) |
NLF➣Narrow Bandwidth for Low Pass Filter |
NLF➣Natural Laminar Flow |
NLF➣National Lottery Fund |
NLF➣New Legal Framework (EU) |
NLF➣National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia (est. 1970) |
NLF➣National Land Fund (Hungary) |
NLF➣New Leaders Foundation (South Africa) |
NLF➣Northwest Leadership Foundation (Tacoma, WA) |
NLF➣Nuclear Liabilities Fund (UK) |
NLF➣Native Log Format |
NLF➣Net Lease Forum (investing) |
NLF➣North Link Ferries (UK) |
NLF➣Northern Leopard Frog (also seen as NLFR) |
NLF➣Nonlinear Filtering |
NLF➣Nobody Lives Forever |
NLF➣Non-Lactose Fermenter |
NLF➣Network-Level Firewall |
NLF➣Nearest Landing Field |
NLF➣No Load Fund (finance) |
NLF➣North Logan Farm |