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DictionarySeemediastinumEncyclopediaSeeMediastinummediastinum testis
mediastinum [me″de-ah-sti´num] (L.) 1. a median septum or partition.2. the mass of tissues and organs separating the sternum in front and the vertebral column behind, containing the heart and its large vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus, lymph nodes, and other structures and tissues. It is divided into anterior, middle, posterior, and superior regions.mediastinum tes´tis a partial septum of the testis formed near its posterior border by a continuation of the tunica albuginea.mediastinum of testis [TA] a mass of fibrous tissue continuous with the tunica albuginea, projecting into the testis from its posterior border; testicular septa radiate as continuations surrounding the testicular lobules. Synonym(s): mediastinum testis [TA], corpus highmori, corpus highmorianum, Highmore body, septum of testisme·di·a·sti·num tes·tis (me'dē-ă-stī'nŭm tes'tis) [TA] A mass of fibrous tissue continuous with the tunica albuginea, projecting into the testis from its posterior border. Synonym(s): Highmore body. Highmore, Nathaniel, English anatomist, 1613-1685. antrum of Highmore - the largest of the paranasal sinuses occupying the body of the maxilla, communicating with the middle meatus of the nose. Synonym(s): maxillary sinuscorpus highmori - Synonym(s): Highmore bodycorpus highmorianum - Synonym(s): Highmore bodyHighmore body - a mass of fibrous tissue continuous with the tunica albuginea, projecting into the testis from its posterior border. Synonym(s): corpus highmori; corpus highmorianum; mediastinum testis |