Acronym | Definition |
AIM➣AOL Instant Messenger |
AIM➣Alternative Investment Market |
AIM➣American Indian Movement |
AIM➣Assessing the Impact (various organizations) |
AIM➣Asian Institute of Management (Manila) |
AIM➣Australian Institute of Management |
AIM➣Adventures in Missions |
AIM➣Applied Information Management |
AIM➣Accuracy In Media |
AIM➣Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation |
AIM➣Artists in Mind |
AIM➣ACCION (Americans for Community Co-Operation in Other Nations) Investments in Microfinance |
AIM➣American Institute of Mathematics |
AIM➣Assistance in Marketing (various locations) |
AIM➣Associated Industries of Massachusetts |
AIM➣Ambition in Mind |
AIM➣All in Maintenance |
AIM➣Advertising in Motion (various locations) |
AIM➣Africa Inland Mission |
AIM➣Aeronautical Information Manual |
AIM➣APSE (Ada Programming Support Environment) Interactive Monitor |
AIM➣Annual International Meeting (CISV International Ltd.) |
AIM➣Alternative Investment Management |
AIM➣Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (journal) |
AIM➣Annals of Internal Medicine |
AIM➣Asians in Media (magazine; UK) |
AIM➣Automatic Identification and Mobility (Association for ) |
AIM➣Asset Integrity Management |
AIM➣Anti-Inflammatory Medication |
AIM➣Access and Identity Management (security) |
AIM➣Administrators of Internal Medicine |
AIM➣Asset Investment Management |
AIM➣Automotive Industry Management (various organizations) |
AIM➣Army Institute of Management (Calcutta, India) |
AIM➣Architectural and Industrial Maintenance |
AIM➣Aim Investment Management (Australia) |
AIM➣Alcohol in Moderation |
AIM➣Apartment Internet Marketing (conference) |
AIM➣Administrative Information Management (various universities) |
AIM➣Asset Inventory Management |
AIM➣Anderson Impurity Model (physics) |
AIM➣Ancestry-Informative Marker (polymorphism) |
AIM➣Affect Infusion Model (psychological theory) |
AIM➣Advanced Interactive Media |
AIM➣Atlanta Institute of Music (Georgia) |
AIM➣Advanced Illness Management (various organizations) |
AIM➣Access for Infants and Mothers (Canada) |
AIM➣Advanced Integration Module (Cisco) |
AIM➣Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (various schools) |
AIM➣Asynchronous Ip Mirroring |
AIM➣Advanced Informatics |
AIM➣Awards for Innovation in Media |
AIM➣Automatic Information Memory |
AIM➣Atm Inverse Multiplexer |
AIM➣Application Insight Module |
AIM➣Advanced Image Magnification |
AIM➣Application Integration Module |
AIM➣Advanced Integration Module |
AIM➣Advanced Integrated Matrix |
AIM➣Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics |
AIM➣Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
AIM➣Association of Independent Music |
AIM➣Anugerah Industri Muzik |
AIM➣Advanced Installation Meter (satellite TV) |
AIM➣Assam Institute of Management (Assam, India) |
AIM➣American Institute of Mining |
AIM➣Advanced Information Management |
AIM➣Archives of Iranian Medicine |
AIM➣Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere |
AIM➣Application Integration Middleware |
AIM➣Association Internationale de la Mutualite (French: health insurance and social protection group) |
AIM➣Animation and Interactive Media |
AIM➣Australian Institute of Music |
AIM➣Accurate Image Manipulation |
AIM➣Adventures in Music |
AIM➣Administrators In Medicine |
AIM➣Air Intercept Missile |
AIM➣Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (legal organization) |
AIM➣Achievement Improvement Monitor (Australia) |
AIM➣Apple, IBM and Motorola |
AIM➣Association for Information Management |
AIM➣Automated Information Management |
AIM➣Association of Independent Museums |
AIM➣Associate In Ministry |
AIM➣Associate In Management |
AIM➣Advanced Inventory Management (Telco Research) |
AIM➣Asset Information Management (finance) |
AIM➣Abrams Integrated Management |
AIM➣American Imaging Management, Inc. |
AIM➣Accounting Information Management |
AIM➣Athletes in Motion |
AIM➣Automatic Investment Management |
AIM➣Association for Interactive Media |
AIM➣African Inland Mission |
AIM➣Advanced Informatics in Medicine |
AIM➣African Index Medicus |
AIM➣Alkali-Insoluble Material |
AIM➣Abridged Index Medicus |
AIM➣Association for Interactive Marketing |
AIM➣Application Implementation Methodology |
AIM➣Automated Incident Management (software) |
AIM➣Application Interpreted Model |
AIM➣Airman's Information Manual (US DoD) |
AIM➣Access Isolation Mechanism |
AIM➣Analog Input Module |
AIM➣Association Information et Management |
AIM➣Advanced Idea Mechanics |
AIM➣Amazon Inventory Management (online retailer) |
AIM➣Academy Introduction Mission |
AIM➣Alternativna Informativna Mreza (Balkans: Alternative Information Network) |
AIM➣Armenian International Magazine |
AIM➣Asia Pacific Integrated Model |
AIM➣Aftercare for Indiana through Mentoring |
AIM➣Association des Industries de Marque (European Brands Association) |
AIM➣Accelerative Integrated Method |
AIM➣Arizona Internet Marketing (Chino Valley, AZ) |
AIM➣Agoraphobics in Motion |
AIM➣Adaptive Integral Method |
AIM➣Alliance for International Monasticism |
AIM➣Asia-Pacific Institute of Management (India; also seen as APIM) |
AIM➣American Institute of Management |
AIM➣Advanced Industrial Materials |
AIM➣Acquisition Information Management |
AIM➣Agencia Informação Moçambique (Mozambique News Agency) |
AIM➣Application Infrastructure Management |
AIM➣Actions in the Mediterranean |
AIM➣Justice and Freedom Party (Fiji) |
AIM➣Auxiliaries in Ministry |
AIM➣Automatic Identification Manufacturers, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) |
AIM➣Alternative Instructional Methods |
AIM➣Assets in Motion |
AIM➣Académie Internationale de Management ( International Academy of Management; Paris, France) |
AIM➣Alternate Input Method (OS/2) |
AIM➣American Institute of Monterrey |
AIM➣Association of Immunization Managers |
AIM➣Atmosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere |
AIM➣Advanced Industrial Management |
AIM➣Archive of Internal Medicine |
AIM➣Association of Imaging Manufacturers |
AIM➣Automatic Interface Management |
AIM➣Ascend Inverse Multiplexing (Ascend) |
AIM➣Apologetics Information Ministry |
AIM➣ATM Inverse Multiplexer (ATMF) |
AIM➣Advanced Induction Motor |
AIM➣American Insured Mortgage |
AIM➣Association for Integrative Medicine |
AIM➣Applied Innovation Management, Inc. |
AIM➣Advanced Immunization Management (e-learning tool) |
AIM➣Aether Intelligent Messaging (Aether Systems, Inc.) |
AIM➣Asynchronous IP Mirroring (iSCSI configurations) |
AIM➣Alliance to Improve Medicare |
AIM➣Army Information Management |
AIM➣Advanced Invar Mask (ViewSonic CRT display technology) |
AIM➣Asynchronous Interface Module |
AIM➣Audio in Multimedia |
AIM➣Alpha Iota Mu (honor society for information systems) |
AIM➣Artificial Intelligence Management |
AIM➣Association of Integrated Media |
AIM➣Astrometric Interferometry Mission |
AIM➣Association française pour les applications de l'Informatique à la Médecine |
AIM➣Aviation Information Manual (US FAA) |
AIM➣Alarm Interface Module (Telabs) |
AIM➣Asset Infrastructure Monitoring (Omnisens) |
AIM➣American Innerspring Manufacturers |
AIM➣Asian In-Flight Media (Hong Kong) |
AIM➣Artificial Intelligence Marketing |
AIM➣ACT Information Manager |
AIM➣Alliance for Innovative Manufacturing at Stanford |
AIM➣Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore (Montefiore Electrical Engineers Association) |
AIM➣Amplitude Intensity Modulation (ITS) |
AIM➣Assessment Information Manager |
AIM➣Advanced ISR Management |
AIM➣Application and Interface Module (Com21 cable modem) |
AIM➣Acquisition Interface Module |
AIM➣ATFM Information Message (Air Traffic Control) |
AIM➣Atoms in Molecules Method |
AIM➣Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement |
AIM➣Analog Intensity Modulation |
AIM➣Advanced Interactive Microcomputer |
AIM➣Anthropological Institute & Museum (University of Zurich) |
AIM➣Atypical Infant Motivation |
AIM➣Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission |
AIM➣Aerospace Information Management |
AIM➣Active Inert Missile |
AIM➣Availability Intermediate Manager (IBM Tivoli) |
AIM➣Anderson-Moore Algorithm |
AIM➣Another Image Manager |
AIM➣Australian Institute of Ministry |
AIM➣Avian Inventory and Monitoring (team) |
AIM➣Authoring Instructional Material |
AIM➣Action Item Master |
AIM➣Alternative Intervention Method |
AIM➣Accunet Information Manager (AT&T) |
AIM➣Artificial Indoor Mountain (British Snowboard & Ski competition) |
AIM➣Programme Telematics Systems for Health Care |
AIM➣ASAS Interface Module |
AIM➣Airborne Intercept Missile |
AIM➣Adaptive Image Manager |
AIM➣Adrenaline Ingenierie Multimedia |
AIM➣Absorption Isotherm Measurement |
AIM➣Antenna Interface Module |
AIM➣Analytical Instrumentation Group |
AIM➣Automated Intrusion Monitoring System |
AIM➣Ada Interactive Monitor |
AIM➣Adventures in Movement for the Handicapped, Inc. |
AIM➣Adaptive Internetwork Management (Ungerman Bass) |
AIM➣Abductory Inductive Mechanism |
AIM➣Air-Isolated Monolithic |
AIM➣Artificial Intelligence Markets |
AIM➣Adiabatic Invariance Method (ion-molecular reactions) |
AIM➣Advocacy Internship for Manufacturers |
AIM➣Alabama Industry & Manufacturers Association |
AIM➣Armored-Infantry-Mechanized |
AIM➣Accountable Item Management |
AIM➣Associazione Italiana Mancini |
AIM➣American International Mobility Resources |
AIM➣Automated Informed Maintenance (NASA) |
AIM➣Audio Indicate Mute |
AIM➣Advanced Interconnect Modeling |
AIM➣Adventures In Ministry, Inc. |
AIM➣Artificial Ionization Mirror |
AIM➣Assignment Interactive Module (Army) |
AIM➣Automated INFOS Migration (Transoft) |
AIM➣Advanced Isolation Methods |
AIM➣Association Francais d'Informatique Medicale (French Association for Medical Computing) |
AIM➣Amsterdam Interprofessional Market |
AIM➣Advanced Integrated Multiplex |
AIM➣Advanced INFOSEC Module |
AIM➣Astrophysique Intéractions Multiéchelles (French: Astrophysics Multi-Scale Interactions) |
AIM➣Advanced Infrared Module |
AIM➣Adaptive Injection Molding |
AIM➣Analytical Instrumentation Module |
AIM➣Automated Internal Management (NSSDC) |
AIM➣Ambulatory Information Management Association |
AIM➣Automatic Interrupting Motor-operated |
AIM➣Automatic Inflation Module |
AIM➣Assurance Implementation Matrix |
AIM➣Austro Internet Mail |
AIM➣Aerial and Industrial Materials (Kodak) |
AIM➣Automated Instructional Material |
AIM➣Alianza Internacional de Mujeres (Spanish: International Alliance of Women) |
AIM➣Auroral Ionospheric Mapper |
AIM➣Automatic Insert Machine |
AIM➣Association of Image Makers |
AIM➣Awaiting Incoming Message |
AIM➣Airlift Import Manager |
AIM➣AFSATCOM IEMATS Microprocessor |
AIM➣ATM Internet Mode |
AIM➣Associated Independent Miners |
AIM➣Alarm Indication Message (Lucent) |
AIM➣Air Inflation Module |
AIM➣ATU Interface Module |
AIM➣Amplitude Inter-Modulation distortion |
AIM➣Alarm Indicator Module |
AIM➣Air Improvement Meeting |
AIM➣ATC Initiatives & Measures |
AIM➣Alliance InterMonasteries |
AIM➣Actively Improving Mathematics (Woodgrove Primary School Singapore) |
AIM➣Association des Ingénieurs de la Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (French) |
AIM➣Addition Identity Management (Addition IT Services Sweden AB) |
AIM➣Automated Inserting Machine |
AIM➣Automated In-line Mailer |
AIM➣Activity Information Models (Orient Point Consulting LLC) |