Legionella micdadei

Le·gion·el·la mic·da·'de·i

a bacterial species that may be acid-fast and causes Pittsburgh pneumonia, a variant of Legionnaires disease. Accounts for approximately 60% of Legionella pneumonias other than those caused by Legionella pneumophila. Synonym(s): Pittsburgh pneumonia agent
An often intracellular bacteria, and frequent contaminant of water supplies, which may cause bronchopneumonia with consolidation and a fibrinopurulent exudate, fever, pleuritic pain and cough. It usually affects immunosuppressed children

Le·gion·el·la mic·da·de·i

(lē-jŭ-nel'lă mik-dā'dē-ī) A species that causes Pittsburgh pneumonia, a variant of Legionnaires' disease. Accounts for approximately 60% of Legionella pneumonias other than those caused by L. pneumophila.
Synonym(s): Pittsburgh pneumonia agent.