Legion State Park
Legion State Park
Location:2 miles north of Louisville on North Columbus Avenue.
Facilities:15 developed campsites with full hookups and a bathhouse with hotshowers, tent campsites, 5 vacation cabins, picnic area and shelter, trails,playground, swimming beach, 2 lakes, fishing boat rental, visitorcenter.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, hiking.
Special Features:Located in the red hill country of Mississippi, this park was thefourth of the original state parks developed by the CivilianConservation Corps in the 1930s. The man-made structures in the park were designedto complement the natural beauty of the area. One such structure is the Legion Lodge, which serves as the park's visitor center.
Address:635 Legion State Park Rd
Louisville, MS 39339
Web: www.mdwfp.com/parkView/parks.asp?ID=1831
Size: 440 acres.
See other parks in Mississippi.