Manchester State Park

Manchester State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:Park surrounds the town of Manchester, which is located in Mendocino County on Coast Highway 1 about 7 miles north of Point Arena; park entrance is 0.5 miles north of town.
Facilities:Environmental campsites (family and group sites), picnic areas, hiking trails (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Park has 5 miles of sandy beach, sand dunes, and flat grasslands, withnearly 18,000 feet of ocean frontage. Excellent steelhead and salmonfishing are available in the park's two streams, Brush Creek and AlderCreek. The park features a variety of coastal wildflowers, includingsea pinks, poppies, lupines, baby blue eyes, and blue irises. The SanAndreas Fault runs into the sea at the park.
Address:c/o Mendocino District Office
PO Box 440
Mendocino, CA 95460

Size: 5,272 acres.

See other parks in California.

Manchester State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Washington
Location:6 miles east of Port Orchard.
Facilities:35 standard campsites, 15 utility campsites, 3 hiker campsites, group camp, 2 showers, 3 picnic shelters, picnic area, shoreline, hiking trail, ball field.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, scuba diving, hiking.
Special Features:Park was originally constructed as a US Coast Guard Artillery harbor installation for the defense of Bremerton. One of the park's picnic shelters was originally a torpedo warehouse built in 1901, and the small concrete building to its east was originally used as a mining casement, then for coal storage. A gun battery also remains. All three structures are on the register of National Historical Monuments.
Address:PO Box 338
Manchester, WA 98353

Size: 111 acres.

See other parks in Washington.