Mancos State Park

Mancos State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Colorado
Location:From Durango take US 160 west 27 miles to the town of Mancos, north onHighway 184 about 0.25 miles, east onto County Road 42 about 4 miles,then west on County Road "N" 0.5 miles to the park entrance.
Facilities:32 campsites, 2 yurts, 12 picnic sites, group picnic area, volleyballcourt, horseshoe pits, restrooms, trails (5 miles), boat ramp (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding,cross-country skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling, winter camping,interpretive programs.
Special Features:Mancos is located in southwest Colorado, surrounded by the San Juan mountains, 10 miles from Mesa Verde National Park (see entry in national parks section). The area is rich in western history, especially that of the Ancestral Puebloans whose ruins are preserved and displayed at the nearby Anasazi Heritage Center, 20 miles northwest in town of Dolores.
Address:42545 County Rd N
Mancos, CO 81328

Size: 334 acres land; 216 acres water. Elevation: 7,800 feet.

See other parks in Colorado.