Mif, Pavel

Mif, Pavel Aleksandrovich


(pseudonym of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fortus). Born Aug. 3, 1901; died Sept. 10, 1939. Soviet party leader. Historian. Doctor of economic sciences (1935). Member of the Communist Party from May 1917.

Mif was born in Kherson Province. He fought in the Civil War of 1918–20. From 1920 to 1921 he studied at the la. M. Sverdlov Communist University, and from 1923 to 1925 he engaged in party work in the Ukraine. He served as deputy rector (1925) and rector (from 1927) of the Sun Yat-sen University of the Working People of China (Moscow). In 1927 he also assumed important responsibilities on the Executive Committee of the Comintern. He participated in the work of the Fifth (1927) and Sixth (1928) Congresses of the Communist Party of China and the Fourth Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (1931).


Uroki shankhaiskikh sobytii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1926.
Kitaiskaia kommunisticheskaia partiia v kriticheskie dni. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928.
Kitaiskaia revoliutsiia. Moscow, 1932.
15 let geroicheskoi bor’by: K 15-letiiu kompartii Kitaia (iiul’ 1921-iiul’ 1936). Moscow, 1936.


Vidnye sovetskie kommunisty—uchastniki kitaiskoi revoliutsii. Moscow, 1970. Pages 88–101.
Nikiforov, V. N. “Iz istorii sovetskogo kitaevedeniia.” Voprosy istorii, 1972, no. 2.