loose lips sink ships

loose lips sink ships

If you speak indiscreetly about confidential or sensitive information, someone might be listening who could use it against you. A propaganda slogan used in the US during World War II, warning servicemen and citizens not to discuss military tactics and information carelessly, lest an enemy spy should be listening in. The details of this project are extremely confidential, so until we say otherwise, remember—loose lips sink ships!See also: lip, loose, ship, sink

Loose lips sink ships.

Don't talk carelessly because you don't know who is listening. (From wartime. Literally, "Don't reveal even the location of a loved one on a ship, because the location could be communicated to the enemy by a spy.") You never know who is going to hear what you say and how they will use what they hear. Remember, loose lips sink ships.See also: lip, loose, ship, sink