Acronym | Definition |
MiG➣Mikoyan & Gurevich (Russian aircraft designers) |
MiG➣Metal Inert Gas (welding) |
MiG➣Made in Germany (gaming clan) |
MiG➣Marfin Investment Group (est. 1998) |
MiG➣My Image Gallery (photo album/management software) |
MiG➣Metal in Gap |
MiG➣Migration |
MiG➣Monoclonal Immunoglobulin |
MiG➣Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee (real estate) |
MiG➣Mariner Investment Group (various locations) |
MiG➣Minimum Income Guarantee (UK pensions) |
MiG➣Municipal Infrastructure Grant (South Africa) |
MiG➣Masters in Governance (various organizations) |
MiG➣Mach Interface Generator |
MiG➣Memory Interface Generator |
MiG➣Moore Iacofano Goltsman Inc. |
MiG➣Middle-Income Group (India) |
MiG➣Moving Image Gateway |
MiG➣Monokine Induced by Interferon-gamma (cytokine that leads to cell death by necrosis) |
MiG➣Mobile Internet Gateway |
MiG➣Managed Intensive Grazing |
MiG➣Message Implementation Guide (EDI/EC messages) |
MiG➣Member Interest Group (various organizations) |
MiG➣Moments in Grace (band) |
MiG➣Medicaid Inspector General |
MiG➣Make it GREAT |
MiG➣Marauder Intruder Group (Motorcycle Club) |
MiG➣Mitochondria Interest Group |
MiG➣Main Industrial Groupings |
MiG➣Microsoft Implementation Group (Virginia Tech University) |
MiG➣Media Initiatief Groningen (Dutch: Groningen Media Initiative; Groningen, Netherlands) |
MiG➣Machine Intelligence Group |
MiG➣Management Information Gateway |
MiG➣MCE Interface Group |
MiG➣Mind in Gutter |
MiG➣Men in Gold |
MiG➣Mowry International Group, LLC (Bethesda, MD law firm) |
MiG➣Model Interface Guide |
MiG➣MIDB & IPA for GCCS (Modernized Integrated Data Base & Image Product Archive for Global Command and Control System) |
MiG➣Multiple Image Geopositioning |
MiG➣Molybdenum Inert Gas (welding) |
MiG➣Monitoring Ion Gauge |
MiG➣Minnesota IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning) Group, Inc. (Hudson, WI) |
MiG➣Mobile Tv Implementation Guidelines (DVB-H) |