migraine-associated vertigo
migraine-associated vertigo
An idiopathic condition characterised by dizziness and/or recurrent vertigo (DRV) linked to migraines, and which is one the most common causes of chronic DRV. It is more common in females (1.5–5:1 ratio) and is more common in families. Many patients do not have headaches, or have chronic nonspecific headaches that do not fit into the International Headache Society’s migraine classification. Atypical Meniere's disease is now regarded as a migrainous vertigo syndrome.Cllinical findings
Chronic dizziness and dysequilibrium, episodic rotational vertigo, chronic daily headaches, migraine headaches, light sensitivity, poor visual acuity and other changes in vision, visual "snow", nausea and severe motion intolerance. Because many of the symptoms cannot be objectively tested, physical and neurologic examinations and neuroimaging are often normal.
Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis, psychiatric disorders.