Kisel, Aleksandr

Kisel’, Aleksandr Andreevich


Born Aug. 19 (31), 1859, in Kiev; died Mar. 8,1938, in Moscow. Soviet pediatrician. Honored Scientific Worker of the RSFSR (1933).

Kisel’ graduated from the medical department of the University of Kiev in 1883. He began teaching in 1910, subsequently becoming a professor at and director of the children’s clinic of the Higher Courses for Women (from 1930, the Second Moscow Medical Institute). In 1927 he also became scientific director of the Central Institute for Health Protection of Children and Adolescents (now the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatrie Surgery of the Ministry of Public Heath of the RSFSR). His principal works were on tuberculosis, rheumatism, malaria, and acute infections in children. He originated the study of chronic tubercular intoxication in children. Kisel’ organized the first rheumatism clinic in the USSR. He also advocated the prevention of many diseases by means of physical methods (sunlight and air) and by improving the external environment.


Trudy zasluzhennogo deiatelia nauki professora A. A. Kiselia, vols. 1–2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1940–44.


Konius, E. M. A. A. Kisel’ i ego shkola. Moscow, 1949. (With bibliography.)