Kiselev, Andrei Petrovich

Kiselev, Andrei Petrovich


Born Nov. 30 (Dec. 12), 1852, in Mtsensk, in what is now Orel Oblast; died Nov. 8, 1940, in Leningrad. Russian educator and mathematician.

After graduating in 1875 from the department of mathematics and physics of the University of St. Petersburg, Kiselev worked as a teacher of mathematics, mechanics, and drafting at the

Voronezh Realschule until July 1891 and at the Voronezh Cadet Corps until his retirement in 1901. He published Systematic Arithmetic Course for Secondary Schools in 1884, Elementary Algebra in 1888, and Elementary Geometry in 1892. These books differed from existing textbooks in their higher theoretical level and their greater consistency, clarity, and conciseness. They became the basic mathematics textbooks at the secondary school level.

After the October Revolution, Kiselev returned to teaching and at the same time worked to improve his textbooks. In Soviet times his arithmetic, algebra, and geometry textbooks have been frequently reprinted and were the standard works in secondary schools for 20 years (Arithmetic, 17th ed., 1955; Algebra, part 1, 1954–55, and Algebra, part 2, 42nd ed., 1965; Geometry, part 1, 21st ed., 1962, and Geometry, part 2, 31st ed., 1970). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


Andronov, I. K. “A. P. Kiselev” [obituary]. Matematika v shkole, 1941, no. 2.
Margulis, A. Ia. “Andrei Petrovich Kiselev.” Matematika v shkole, 1948, no. 4.
Depman, I. Ia. Istoriia arifmetiki. Moscow, 1959.