mucoepithelial dysplasia

mu·co·ep·i·the·li·al dys·pla·si·a

[MIM*158310] an epithelial cell dishesive disease characterized by red, periorificial mucosal lesions of oral, nasal, vaginal, urethral, anal, bladder, and conjunctival mucosa, with cataracts, follicular keratosis, nonscarring alopecia, frequent pulmonary infections, pneumothorax, and sometimes cor pulmonale; autosomal dominant inheritance.

mu·co·ep·i·the·li·al dys·pla·si·a

(myūkō-epi-thēlē-ăl dis-plāzē-ă) [MIM*158310] Epithelial cell periorofacial disease characterized by red, perioroficial mucosal lesions of oral, nasal, vaginal, urethral, anal, bladder, and conjunctival mucosa.