Moldavian Upland

Moldavian Upland


(Podisul Moldovei), an upland in eastern Rumania, between the Prut and Siret rivers. Length, from northwest to southeast, about 300 km; elevations to 564 m (on the Birlad plateau). Composed of Neocene limestones, sandstones, and clays.

The Moldavian Upland consists of isolated ranges of hills with flat interfluves and steep slopes that are deeply dissected by gullies and tributaries of the Prut, Siret, and Birlad rivers. The climate is of the moderate continental type; annual precipitation is 600–700 mm in the north and 400–500 mm in the south. Vegetation is primarily of the forest-steppe type. Forests have been preserved in the interfluves (beech in the north and oak with some horn-beam in the south). Much of the upland is cultivated (fields of wheat and corn, as well as orchards and vineyards).