

(man-dib'yū-lek'tŏ-mē), Resection of the lower jaw. [mandibula + G. ektomē, excision]


Resection of part of the mandible for cancer of the oral cavity, especially of the floor of the mouth; mandibulectomies can be either marginal (in which only the bone, teeth and adjacent soft tissues are resected and the mandible’s continuity is maintained) or segmental (where a complete segment of the mandible is removed).


Surgical oncology The resection of part of the mandible for CA of the oral cavity, especially of the floor of the mouth; mandibulectomies can be either marginal, in which only the bone, teeth, and adjacent soft tissues are resected and the mandible's continuity is maintained, or segmental, where a complete segment of the mandible is removed. See Head & neck surgery.


(man-dib'yū-lek'tŏ-mē) Resection of the lower jaw. [L. mandibula, jaw + G. ektomē, excision]