Acronym | Definition |
NAFC➣National Association For Continence (formerly HIP: Help for Incontinent People) |
NAFC➣North American Fishing Club |
NAFC➣National Association of Free Clinics (Alexandria, VA) |
NAFC➣National Association of Friendship Centres (Association Nationale des Centres d'Amitié - Canada) |
NAFC➣North Atlantic Fisheries College (Scotland) |
NAFC➣National Association of Forensic Counselors |
NAFC➣Naval Air Ferry Command (US Navy) |
NAFC➣Naples Alliance for Children (Naples, FL) |
NAFC➣National Alliance for Fair Competition |
NAFC➣North Atlantic Flight Corridor |
NAFC➣Northern Attack Force Commander (US Navy) |
NAFC➣Navy Accounting and Finance Center |
NAFC➣North Atlantic Financial Corp. (Clifton, NJ) |
NAFC➣National Agriculture and Food Council (Philippines) |