NAFCNational Association For Continence (formerly HIP: Help for Incontinent People)
NAFCNorth American Fishing Club
NAFCNational Association of Free Clinics (Alexandria, VA)
NAFCNational Association of Friendship Centres (Association Nationale des Centres d'Amitié - Canada)
NAFCNorth Atlantic Fisheries College (Scotland)
NAFCNational Association of Forensic Counselors
NAFCNaval Air Ferry Command (US Navy)
NAFCNaples Alliance for Children (Naples, FL)
NAFCNational Alliance for Fair Competition
NAFCNorth Atlantic Flight Corridor
NAFCNorthern Attack Force Commander (US Navy)
NAFCNavy Accounting and Finance Center
NAFCNorth Atlantic Financial Corp. (Clifton, NJ)
NAFCNational Agriculture and Food Council (Philippines)