Acronym | Definition |
MII➣Media Independent Interface |
MII➣Mineral Information Institute |
MII➣Ministry of Information Industry (China) |
MII➣Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing) |
MII➣Microsoft Ibm Intel |
MII➣Made in Italy |
MII➣Marketing Institute of Ireland |
MII➣Mirror Image Internet (various locations) |
MII➣Medical Imaging Informatics |
MII➣Made in India |
MII➣Mesin Isuzu Indonesia (vehicles) |
MII➣Mortgage Indemnity Insurance |
MII➣Minimum Initiation Interval |
MII➣Microsoft/IBM/Intel |
MII➣Machine Independent Interface |
MII➣Market Infrastructure Institution (investing) |
MII➣Motion Induced Interruption |
MII➣Multiphoton Intrapulse Interference |
MII➣Made in Israel |
MII➣Maritime Institute of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland) |
MII➣Modular Image Interpretation |
MII➣Microcomputer Aided Cost Engineering System 2nd Generation |
MII➣Military Intelligence Interpreter |
MII➣Mecanismo de Investigación Independiente (Spanish: Independent Investigation Mechanism; Inter-American Development Bank) |
MII➣Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Airport Code) |
MII➣Macklin Intergenerational Institute (Findlay, OH) |