Kittredge, George Lyman

Kittredge, George Lyman

(kĭ`trĭj), 1860–1941, American scholar, b. Boston. A member of the Harvard faculty (1888–1936), Kittredge was a noted authority on the English language, Shakespeare and Chaucer. His one-volume edition of the complete works of Shakespeare appeared in 1936. He began a more detailed edition of the separate plays in 1939, which was not completed. His books on English include The Mother Tongue (with Sarah Arnold; 1900).

Kittredge, George Lyman

(1860–1941) philologist, Shakespeare scholar, educator; born in Boston, Mass. Kittredge was inextricably identified with Harvard, where he was educated and later taught (1888–1936). At Harvard "Kitty" inaugurated the study of English romance literature and taught English 2 (1896–1936), his famous course on Shakespeare. He was an international authority on Beowulf, Chaucer, and particularly Shakespeare. His seminal Chaucer and his Poetry (1915) laid the foundation for American Chaucer studies.