Oconto County

Oconto County, Wisconsin

301 Washington St
Oconto, WI 54153
Phone: (920) 834-6800
Fax: (920) 834-6867

On northeastern coast of WI, bordered on east by Green Bay; organized Feb 6, 1851 from unorganized territory. Name Origin: For the Oconto River, which flows through it; from a Menominee word of unclear meaning, possibly 'place of the pike fish' or 'red river.'

Area (sq mi):: 1149.04 (land 997.97; water 151.07) Population per square mile: 37.70
Population 2005: 37,666 State rank: 38 Population change: 2000-20005 5.70%; 1990-2000 17.90% Population 2000: 35,634 (White 97.40%; Black or African American 0.10%; Hispanic or Latino 0.70%; Asian 0.20%; Other 1.90%). Foreign born: 0.70%. Median age: 38.80
Income 2000: per capita $19,016; median household $41,201; Population below poverty level: 7.10% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,900-$24,842
Unemployment (2004): 6.10% Unemployment change (from 2000): -0.70% Median travel time to work: 25.80 minutes Working outside county of residence: 49.60%
Cities with population over 10,000: None
See other counties in Wisconsin.