Acronym | Definition |
ATM➣Automated Teller Machine |
ATM➣Asynchronous Transfer Mode (broadband switching and transmission technology) |
ATM➣Automatic Teller Machine |
ATM➣Air Traffic Management |
ATM➣Awareness Through Movement (Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education) |
ATM➣Atmosphere |
ATM➣At The Moment |
ATM➣Adobe Type Manager |
ATM➣Arabian Travel Market |
ATM➣Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (Indonesian: Automated Teller Machine) |
ATM➣Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (Milano, Italy) |
ATM➣Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated (gene) |
ATM➣At the Movies |
ATM➣Actun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre; Belize) |
ATM➣At-The-Money (options trading) |
ATM➣Association of Teachers of Mathematics |
ATM➣Addicted to Movies |
ATM➣Texas A&M University (logo) |
ATM➣AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (various organizations) |
ATM➣Adipose Tissue Mass |
ATM➣Al Tayer Motors (United Arab Emirates) |
ATM➣Azhagiya Tamil Magan (Indian film) |
ATM➣A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton song) |
ATM➣Automatic Transmission Module |
ATM➣Advanced Technical Services |
ATM➣Abstract Test Method |
ATM➣Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATM➣Adaptive Transmission Management |
ATM➣Anti-Tank Mine |
ATM➣Advanced Traffic Management |
ATM➣Anything That Moves |
ATM➣Access to Music (UK music education organization) |
ATM➣According to Me |
ATM➣Autoritat del Transport Metropolita (Spain) |
ATM➣Alternative Transportation Modes (Naples, FL) |
ATM➣Alternating Turing Machine (computing) |
ATM➣Annals of Thoracic Medicine (Saudi Thoracic Society) |
ATM➣Around The Moon (soccer maneuver) |
ATM➣Archives of Traditional Music (Indiana University) |
ATM➣A Toda Maquina (Spanish: Full Steam Ahead; Mexican film) |
ATM➣Apollo Telescope Mount |
ATM➣Assessment Team Members (various organizations) |
ATM➣Automatic Term Mapping (Pubmed; US NIH) |
ATM➣Anti-Tank Missile |
ATM➣Americans for Transportation Mobility |
ATM➣Army Ten-Miler |
ATM➣Asian Traditional Medicine |
ATM➣Air Traffic Manager |
ATM➣Airborne Topographic Mapper |
ATM➣Atmosphere of Pressure |
ATM➣Advanced Toastmaster (formerly Able Toastmaster) |
ATM➣Ate Too Much |
ATM➣Against the Mainstream |
ATM➣Amateur Telescope Maker(ing) |
ATM➣Any Time Money (aka All Time Money) |
ATM➣Application Traffic Management |
ATM➣All Team Meeting (various organizations) |
ATM➣Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (Malaysian Armed Forces) |
ATM➣Articulación Temporo-Mandibular (Spanish) |
ATM➣Articolazione Temporo Mandibolare (Italian: Tempomandibular Articulation) |
ATM➣Atomic Testing Museum (Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation) |
ATM➣ASEAN Transport Ministers |
ATM➣Another Task Manager |
ATM➣Atmospheric Transport Model |
ATM➣After These Messages (ezine) |
ATM➣Association Tunisienne des Mères (Tunisian Mother's Association) |
ATM➣Airborne Thematic Mapper |
ATM➣Annual Technical Meeting |
ATM➣Air Turbine Motor |
ATM➣Alternative To Money |
ATM➣American Time Machine (music) |
ATM➣Activity Tracking Manager (software) |
ATM➣Addicted To Music |
ATM➣Air Transportation Management |
ATM➣Assign Traffic Metering (US DoD) |
ATM➣Aircrew Training Manual |
ATM➣Air Transport Movement |
ATM➣Abstract Test Method (ISO 9646-1) |
ATM➣Association of Texas Midwives |
ATM➣Abstinence 'Till Marriage |
ATM➣All Time Money (aka Any Time Money) |
ATM➣Alternative Test Method (ITU-T) |
ATM➣Azienda Trasporti e Mobilità |
ATM➣Assembly, Test, & Manufacturing |
ATM➣Automated Theorem Prover |
ATM➣Advanced Trauma Management |
ATM➣American Turf Monthly |
ATM➣Automated TeleMedicine, Inc. (San Diego, CA) |
ATM➣Air Training Missile |
ATM➣Autorail Touristique du Minervois (French: Minervois Railcar Tourism; Minervois, France) |
ATM➣Apartment Threading Model (computer protocol) |
ATM➣Air Tasking Message |
ATM➣Antitactical Missile |
ATM➣Able Toast Master (now Advanced Toastmaster) |
ATM➣Autonomous Trade Measures |
ATM➣Anytime Time Murder |
ATM➣Azienda Tramviaria Municipale |
ATM➣Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo (Treviso, Italy) |
ATM➣Automatic Touchdown Machine (football slang) |
ATM➣Assessoria Técnica de Mercado Ltda. |
ATM➣Acceptance Test Manual |
ATM➣Air Target Materials |
ATM➣Air Targeting Mode (military radar) |
ATM➣An Teanga Mharthanach (Irish) |
ATM➣Andrew Test Martin (wrestler) |
ATM➣Acetone Toluene Methanol |
ATM➣Association des Tondeurs de Moutons (French: Association of Sheep Shearers) |
ATM➣Automatic Ticketing Machine (airline industry) |
ATM➣Area Training Manager (various organizations) |
ATM➣Acoustic Telemetry Modem (oceanography) |
ATM➣Assistant Trainmaster |
ATM➣Annuaire des Thèses en Mathematiques |
ATM➣Atmospheric Camp |
ATM➣Aerosol Trajectory Model |
ATM➣Airlines of Tasmania, Australia (ICAO code) |
ATM➣Advanced Testing Mode |
ATM➣Acrobat Type Manager |
ATM➣Agilent Technologies Malaysia |
ATM➣Auxiliary Transport Module |
ATM➣Adjustable Trigger Mechanism (firearms) |
ATM➣Advanced TEMPEST Microcomputer |
ATM➣Advanced Test Module |
ATM➣Applying the Mathematics (UCSMC Math Textbooks) |
ATM➣Advanced Testing Method |
ATM➣Automatic Test Methods |
ATM➣Association of Textile Manufacturers |
ATM➣Area Telecommunications Manager (government personnel responsible for telecommunications in a specific region) |
ATM➣Atmospheric Transmission at Microwave Frequency |
ATM➣Advanced Traffic Mapping |
ATM➣Account Technical Manager |
ATM➣Applied Tomography Experiment |
ATM➣Automatic Track Merge heuristic |
ATM➣Automatic Time Management |
ATM➣Automatic Track Management |
ATM➣Circuit Actuation Test Mode |
ATM➣Agency & Transaction Management |