

单词 atm



A5523100 (ā′tē′ĕm′)n. An unattended electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system and related equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain cash withdrawals and other banking services.
[a(utomatic) t(eller) m(achine) or a(utomated) t(eller) m(achine).]


abbr. Physics atmosphere


abbreviation for 1. (Banking & Finance) automated teller machine 2. (Telecommunications) asynchronous transfer mode: used in digital communications, etc 3. (Telecommunications) text messaging at the moment


automated-teller machine. [1980–85]



at. m.

atomic mass.


At the moment
Noun1.ATM - a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigradeatm - a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigradestandard atmosphere, standard pressure, atmospherepressure unit - a unit measuring force per unit areas.t.p., STP - standard temperature and pressure
2.ATM - a means of digital communications that is capable of very high speedsATM - a means of digital communications that is capable of very high speeds; suitable for transmission of images or voice or video as well as data; "ATM is used for both LAN and WAN"asynchronous transfer modedata communication, digital communication - electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by computers)
3.ATM - an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is usedATM - an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is usedautomated teller, automated teller machine, automatic teller, automatic teller machine, cash dispenser, cash machinemachine - any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks


(ˌei tiː ˈem) noun (American) (abbreviation) Automated Teller Machine; a machine, usually outside a bank, from which people can get money with their credit cards or bank cards. 自動提款機 自动取款机
same as cashpoint or (cash) machine.


  • Is there an ATM here? (US)
    Is there a cash machine here? (UK) → 这儿有自动提款机吗?
  • Where is the nearest ATM? (US)
    Where is the nearest cash machine? (UK) → 附近哪儿有自动提款机?
  • Can I use my card with this ATM? (US)
    Can I use my card with this cash machine? (UK) → 我可以用我的取款卡从这台机器上取款吗?
  • The ATM swallowed my card (US)
    The cash machine swallowed my card (UK) → 取款机吞掉了我的取款卡



(mechanics) atmosphere


(communications) asynchronous transfer mode automatic teller machine


Abbr. for “atmosphere.”


(communications)Asynchronous Transfer Mode.


(2)Automatic Teller Machine - a cash dispenser.


(chat)At the moment.


(text)Adobe Type Manager.


(1) See also ATM machine and Adobe Type Manager.

(2) (ATMosphere) A measure of pressure. See atmosphere.

(3) "At the moment." See digispeak.

(4) (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) A local area and wide area network technology stemming from the telephone world that supports quality of service (QoS) for real-time voice and video. In the early 1990s, ATM was touted as the future multimedia transport starting at the desktop. A decade later, ATM was being replaced by Internet protocols (see IP and MPLS). Adapters for PCs were expensive, and standards for connecting legacy networks were confusing. When Gigabit Ethernet debuted at the end of the 1990s with a familiar technology and 10-fold speed increase, ATM's demise as a LAN was assured. However, ATM was deployed as a backbone technology in major telcos and ISPs.

Fixed-Size Cells and Logical Circuits
ATM transmits 53-byte cells that can be processed very quickly, and the small cell ensures that voice and video can be inserted into the stream for real-time transmission. ATM uses switches that establish a logical circuit from end to end. However, unlike the dedicated circuits of legacy telephone switches, unused bandwidth in ATM's circuits can be appropriated as needed. For example, idle bandwidth in a videoconference can be used to transfer data.

Five Service Levels
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) guarantees bandwidth. Real-time Variable Bit Rate (rt-VBR) supports multimedia, and non-real-time Variable Bit Rate (nrt-VBR) is used for bursty traffic. Available Bit Rate (ABR) adjusts bandwidth according to LAN congestion levels, and Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) provides the best effort for non-critical data. See MPOA.

ATM in the Large Enterprise
ATM was used as a network backbone ("switch fabric") in some large enterprises. The edge device is an Ethernet switch, and the LANE (LAN Emulation) driver converts Ethernet frames into ATM cells. See LANE.

ATM in the Internet
ATM has been used by carriers and ISPs as the backbone between points of presence (POPs) and at interconnecting points (see NAP and MAE). Highly scalable, ATM supports transmission speeds up to 10 Gbps but can run as slow as 9.6 Kbps between ships at sea. When a new ATM switch is added, it is automatically updated using ATM's PNNI routing protocol.

Where ATM Fits In
ATM functions at layer 2 of the OSI model and converts its cells into SONET frames (see OC) or T-carrier frames (see DS).




 [at´mos-fēr] 1. the entire gaseous envelope surrounding the earth and subject to the earth's gravitational field.2. the air or climate in a particular place. adj., atmospher´ic.3. a unit of pressure, being that exerted by the earth's atmosphere at sea level; equal to 1.01325 × 105pascals (approximately 760 mm Hg). Abbreviated atm.


Symbol for standard atmosphere.


Ataxia telangiectasia mutated. A checkpoint kinase which transduces genomic stress signals to stop cell cycle progression and promote DNA repair, acting via p53, a tumour suppressor protein. Its cognate gene, ATM (see below), is mutated in ataxia telangiectasia, a rare neurodegenerative disease characterised by ataxia telangiectasias, increased chromosome fragility when exposed to ionising radiation and predisposition to lymphomas.
ATM (Gene)
A gene on chromosome 11q22-q23, which encodes a PI3/PI4 cell-cycle checkpoint kinase that phosphorylates, thereby regulating a broad range of downstream proteins—e.g., tumor suppressor proteins p53 and BRCA1, checkpoint kinase CHK2, checkpoint proteins RAD17 and RAD9, and DNA repair protein NBS1.
Mutated in


Abbreviation for standard atmosphere.
LegalSeeIPFinancialSeeAutomated teller machine


ATMAutomated Teller Machine
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode (broadband switching and transmission technology)
ATMAutomatic Teller Machine
ATMAir Traffic Management
ATMAwareness Through Movement (Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education)
ATMAt The Moment
ATMAdobe Type Manager
ATMArabian Travel Market
ATMAnjungan Tunai Mandiri (Indonesian: Automated Teller Machine)
ATMAzienda Trasporti Milanesi (Milano, Italy)
ATMAtaxia Telangiectasia Mutated (gene)
ATMAt the Movies
ATMActun Tunichil Muknal (Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre; Belize)
ATMAt-The-Money (options trading)
ATMAssociation of Teachers of Mathematics
ATMAddicted to Movies
ATMTexas A&M University (logo)
ATMAIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (various organizations)
ATMAdipose Tissue Mass
ATMAl Tayer Motors (United Arab Emirates)
ATMAzhagiya Tamil Magan (Indian film)
ATMA Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton song)
ATMAutomatic Transmission Module
ATMAdvanced Technical Services
ATMAbstract Test Method
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMAdaptive Transmission Management
ATMAnti-Tank Mine
ATMAdvanced Traffic Management
ATMAnything That Moves
ATMAccess to Music (UK music education organization)
ATMAccording to Me
ATMAutoritat del Transport Metropolita (Spain)
ATMAlternative Transportation Modes (Naples, FL)
ATMAlternating Turing Machine (computing)
ATMAnnals of Thoracic Medicine (Saudi Thoracic Society)
ATMAround The Moon (soccer maneuver)
ATMArchives of Traditional Music (Indiana University)
ATMA Toda Maquina (Spanish: Full Steam Ahead; Mexican film)
ATMApollo Telescope Mount
ATMAssessment Team Members (various organizations)
ATMAutomatic Term Mapping (Pubmed; US NIH)
ATMAnti-Tank Missile
ATMAmericans for Transportation Mobility
ATMArmy Ten-Miler
ATMAsian Traditional Medicine
ATMAir Traffic Manager
ATMAirborne Topographic Mapper
ATMAtmosphere of Pressure
ATMAdvanced Toastmaster (formerly Able Toastmaster)
ATMAte Too Much
ATMAgainst the Mainstream
ATMAmateur Telescope Maker(ing)
ATMAny Time Money (aka All Time Money)
ATMApplication Traffic Management
ATMAll Team Meeting (various organizations)
ATMAngkatan Tentera Malaysia (Malaysian Armed Forces)
ATMArticulación Temporo-Mandibular (Spanish)
ATMArticolazione Temporo Mandibolare (Italian: Tempomandibular Articulation)
ATMAtomic Testing Museum (Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation)
ATMASEAN Transport Ministers
ATMAnother Task Manager
ATMAtmospheric Transport Model
ATMAfter These Messages (ezine)
ATMAssociation Tunisienne des Mères (Tunisian Mother's Association)
ATMAirborne Thematic Mapper
ATMAnnual Technical Meeting
ATMAir Turbine Motor
ATMAlternative To Money
ATMAmerican Time Machine (music)
ATMActivity Tracking Manager (software)
ATMAddicted To Music
ATMAir Transportation Management
ATMAssign Traffic Metering (US DoD)
ATMAircrew Training Manual
ATMAir Transport Movement
ATMAbstract Test Method (ISO 9646-1)
ATMAssociation of Texas Midwives
ATMAbstinence 'Till Marriage
ATMAll Time Money (aka Any Time Money)
ATMAlternative Test Method (ITU-T)
ATMAzienda Trasporti e Mobilità
ATMAssembly, Test, & Manufacturing
ATMAutomated Theorem Prover
ATMAdvanced Trauma Management
ATMAmerican Turf Monthly
ATMAutomated TeleMedicine, Inc. (San Diego, CA)
ATMAir Training Missile
ATMAutorail Touristique du Minervois (French: Minervois Railcar Tourism; Minervois, France)
ATMApartment Threading Model (computer protocol)
ATMAir Tasking Message
ATMAntitactical Missile
ATMAble Toast Master (now Advanced Toastmaster)
ATMAutonomous Trade Measures
ATMAnytime Time Murder
ATMAzienda Tramviaria Municipale
ATMAssociazione Trevisani nel Mondo (Treviso, Italy)
ATMAutomatic Touchdown Machine (football slang)
ATMAssessoria Técnica de Mercado Ltda.
ATMAcceptance Test Manual
ATMAir Target Materials
ATMAir Targeting Mode (military radar)
ATMAn Teanga Mharthanach (Irish)
ATMAndrew Test Martin (wrestler)
ATMAcetone Toluene Methanol
ATMAssociation des Tondeurs de Moutons (French: Association of Sheep Shearers)
ATMAutomatic Ticketing Machine (airline industry)
ATMArea Training Manager (various organizations)
ATMAcoustic Telemetry Modem (oceanography)
ATMAssistant Trainmaster
ATMAnnuaire des Thèses en Mathematiques
ATMAtmospheric Camp
ATMAerosol Trajectory Model
ATMAirlines of Tasmania, Australia (ICAO code)
ATMAdvanced Testing Mode
ATMAcrobat Type Manager
ATMAgilent Technologies Malaysia
ATMAuxiliary Transport Module
ATMAdjustable Trigger Mechanism (firearms)
ATMAdvanced TEMPEST Microcomputer
ATMAdvanced Test Module
ATMApplying the Mathematics (UCSMC Math Textbooks)
ATMAdvanced Testing Method
ATMAutomatic Test Methods
ATMAssociation of Textile Manufacturers
ATMArea Telecommunications Manager (government personnel responsible for telecommunications in a specific region)
ATMAtmospheric Transmission at Microwave Frequency
ATMAdvanced Traffic Mapping
ATMAccount Technical Manager
ATMApplied Tomography Experiment
ATMAutomatic Track Merge heuristic
ATMAutomatic Time Management
ATMAutomatic Track Management
ATMCircuit Actuation Test Mode
ATMAgency & Transaction Management


  • noun

Synonyms for atm

noun a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade


  • standard atmosphere
  • standard pressure
  • atmosphere

Related Words

  • pressure unit
  • s.t.p.
  • STP

noun a means of digital communications that is capable of very high speeds


  • asynchronous transfer mode

Related Words

  • data communication
  • digital communication

noun an unattended machine (outside some banks) that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used


  • automated teller
  • automated teller machine
  • automatic teller
  • automatic teller machine
  • cash dispenser
  • cash machine

Related Words

  • machine




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