Leisler Rebellion

Leisler Rebellion


a rebellion of artisans, master craftsmen, and petty merchants in the state of New York from 1689 to 1691 led by J. Leisler.

The rebellion began during an upswing of the class and national liberation struggle in the English colonies of North America. This situation developed in connection with the coup d’etat known as the Glorious Revolution of 1688–89 in England. On May 31, 1689, the rebels took over Fort James in New York, overturned the local colonial administration, and created their own government. They granted electoral rights to all free settlers regardless of wealth or property and repealed a number of trade monopolies. The rebellion was suppressed in March 1691 by troops sent from England. Leisler and his associate Milborne were hanged. The colony of New York was transformed from the personal feudal property of the king into a colony of the English royal government.


Samoilo, A. S. Angliiskie kolonii v Severnoi Amerike v XVII v. Moscow, 1963.
Aptheker, H. Istorila amerikanskogo naroda. Vol. 1: Kolonial’naia era. Moscow, 1961. (Translated from English.)