Nora Adamian

Adamian, Nora


(pseudonym of Eleonora Georgievna Adamova). Born May 18 (31), 1910, in Baku. Soviet Russian writer.

Adamian studied at Baku University from 1927 to 1930 and published her first work in 1939. Since 1953 she has concentrated on short stories and novellas. Her works include the collections Stories (1954), Life’s Start (1955), By the Blue Mountains (1957), The Girl From the Ministry: Novellas and Stories (1959), and The New Neighbor (1964), as well as the two novellas The Abandoned House (1959) and Zero Three (1961) and the novel The Second Wife (1966).


Shcheglov, M. “Rasskazy Nory Adamian.” Novyi mir, 1956, no. 5.
Nemirovskaia, O. “Serdtse, otkrytoe liudiam.” Druzhba narodov, 1964, no. 9.