释义 |
Oncosphere one of the larval stages of most tapeworms. The body is spherical with three pairs of chitinous hooks; hence, an oncosphere is often called a hexacanth—literally, a six-hooked embryo. The oncosphere develops within an egg inside the worm’s uterus. The egg then leaves the body of the host in the host’s feces. The oncosphere continues to develop in water Or in the body of an intermediate host. oncosphere
oncosphere [ong´ko-sfēr] the larva of the tapeworm contained within the external embryonic envelope and armed with six hooks.hex·a·canth (hek'să-kanth), The motile six-hooked first-stage larva of cyclophyllidean cestodes; it emerges from the egg and actively claws its way through the intermediate host's intestine before development into the next larval stage; for example, the hexacanth of Taenia saginata, which penetrates the intestine of a cow that ingested the egg, then forms a cysticercus in the muscles of the intermediate host. Synonym(s): oncosphere [hexa- + G. akantha, hook or thorn] |