Klin-Dmitrov Ridge

Klin-Dmitrov Ridge


a part of the Moscow Upland, mostly in northern Moscow Oblast, RSFSR.

The Klin-Dmitrov Ridge is more than 200 km long and from 25 to 55 km wide. Its maximum elevation is 285 m (north of Zagorsk). The foundation of the ridge is composed of Cretaceous (west of the city of Klin, Jurassic) sand and clay deposits. This is covered with morainic and boulderless loams and Quaternary sands. Hilly ranges characterize the relief. The ridge is broken by river valleys (of tributaries of the Kliaz’ma and the upper Volga) and crossed by the Moscow Canal. The forests are coniferous and broad-leaf, growing on turf and podzols. To the east, the Klin-Dmitrov Ridge adjoins the Vladimir Opol’e, an upland with gray forest soils on extensively tilled loesslike loams.