

单词 manipulate



M0082100 (mə-nĭp′yə-lāt′)tr.v. ma·nip·u·lat·ed, ma·nip·u·lat·ing, ma·nip·u·lates 1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or another body part or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner: She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted. See Synonyms at handle.2. To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public opinion in his favor.3. To tamper with or falsify for personal gain: tried to manipulate stock prices.4. Medicine To handle and move in an examination or for therapeutic purposes: manipulate a joint; manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery.
[Back-formation from manipulation.]
ma·nip′u·lat′a·ble adj.ma·nip′u·la′tor n.ma·nip′u·la·to′ry (-lə-tôr′ē) adj.


(məˈnɪpjʊˌleɪt) vb1. (tr) to handle or use, esp with some skill, in a process or action: to manipulate a pair of scissors. 2. to negotiate, control, or influence (something or someone) cleverly, skilfully, or deviously3. to falsify (a bill, accounts, etc) for one's own advantage4. (Medicine) (in physiotherapy) to examine or treat manually, as in loosening a joint[C19: back formation from manipulation, from Latin manipulus handful] manipulability n maˈnipuˌlatable, maˈnipulable adj maˌnipuˈlation n maˈnipulative adj maˈnipulatively adv maˈnipuˌlator n maˈnipulatory adj


(məˈnɪp yəˌleɪt)

v.t. -lat•ed, -lat•ing. 1. to manage or influence skillfully and often unfairly: to manipulate people's feelings. 2. to handle or use, esp. with skill: to manipulate a large tractor. 3. to adapt or change (accounts, figures, etc.) to suit one's purpose or advantage. 4. to examine or treat by skillful use of the hands, as in palpation, reduction of dislocations, or changing the position of a fetus. [1820–30; back formation from manipulation] ma•nip′u•lat`a•ble, adj.


Past participle: manipulated
Gerund: manipulating
I manipulate
you manipulate
he/she/it manipulates
we manipulate
you manipulate
they manipulate
I manipulated
you manipulated
he/she/it manipulated
we manipulated
you manipulated
they manipulated
Present Continuous
I am manipulating
you are manipulating
he/she/it is manipulating
we are manipulating
you are manipulating
they are manipulating
Present Perfect
I have manipulated
you have manipulated
he/she/it has manipulated
we have manipulated
you have manipulated
they have manipulated
Past Continuous
I was manipulating
you were manipulating
he/she/it was manipulating
we were manipulating
you were manipulating
they were manipulating
Past Perfect
I had manipulated
you had manipulated
he/she/it had manipulated
we had manipulated
you had manipulated
they had manipulated
I will manipulate
you will manipulate
he/she/it will manipulate
we will manipulate
you will manipulate
they will manipulate
Future Perfect
I will have manipulated
you will have manipulated
he/she/it will have manipulated
we will have manipulated
you will have manipulated
they will have manipulated
Future Continuous
I will be manipulating
you will be manipulating
he/she/it will be manipulating
we will be manipulating
you will be manipulating
they will be manipulating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been manipulating
you have been manipulating
he/she/it has been manipulating
we have been manipulating
you have been manipulating
they have been manipulating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been manipulating
you will have been manipulating
he/she/it will have been manipulating
we will have been manipulating
you will have been manipulating
they will have been manipulating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been manipulating
you had been manipulating
he/she/it had been manipulating
we had been manipulating
you had been manipulating
they had been manipulating
I would manipulate
you would manipulate
he/she/it would manipulate
we would manipulate
you would manipulate
they would manipulate
Past Conditional
I would have manipulated
you would have manipulated
he/she/it would have manipulated
we would have manipulated
you would have manipulated
they would have manipulated
Verb1.manipulate - influence or control shrewdly or deviouslymanipulate - influence or control shrewdly or deviously; "He manipulated public opinion in his favor"pull strings, pull wiresact upon, influence, work - have and exert influence or effect; "The artist's work influenced the young painter"; "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"
2.manipulate - hold something in one's hands and move itmanipulate - hold something in one's hands and move itpalm, handle - touch, lift, or hold with the hands; "Don't handle the merchandise"lay hands on - manage with the handsmouse - manipulate the mouse of a computerfiddle with, twiddle - manipulate, as in a nervous or unconscious manner; "He twiddled his thumbs while waiting for the interview"wield, handle, manage - handle effectively; "The burglar wielded an axe"; "The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well"control, operate - handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever"massage, rub down, knead - manually manipulate (someone's body), usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes; "She rubbed down her child with a sponge"knead, work - make uniform; "knead dough"; "work the clay until it is soft"shuffle, mix, ruffle - mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"monkey, tamper, fiddle - play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly; "Someone tampered with the documents on my desk"; "The reporter fiddle with the facts"diddle, toy, fiddle, play - manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination; "She played nervously with her wedding ring"; "Don't fiddle with the screws"; "He played with the idea of running for the Senate"
3.manipulate - tamper, with the purpose of deception; "Fudge the figures"; "cook the books"; "falsify the data"fudge, misrepresent, wangle, fake, falsify, cookchisel, cheat - engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud; "Who's chiseling on the side?"juggle - manipulate by or as if by moving around components; "juggle an account so as to hide a deficit"
4.manipulate - manipulate in a fraudulent manner; "rig prices"rigprice - determine the price of; "The grocer priced his wares high"
5.manipulate - control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"keep in line, controltease - to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them; "The advertisement is intended to tease the customers"; "She has a way of teasing men with her flirtatious behavior"handle - show and train; "The prize-winning poodle was handled by Mrs. Priscilla Prescott"ingratiate - gain favor with somebody by deliberate effortsinteract - act together or towards others or with others; "He should interact more with his colleagues"
6.manipulate - treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposedmanipulate - treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposedcare for, treat - provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"


verb1. influence, control, direct, guide, conduct, negotiate, exploit, steer, manoeuvre, do a number on (chiefly U.S.), twist around your little finger He's a very difficult character. He manipulates people. She was unable, for once, to manipulate events.2. work, use, operate, handle, employ, wield The technology uses a pen to manipulate a computer.3. massage, rub, knead, palpate The way he can manipulate my leg has helped my arthritis so much.4. falsify, alter, distort, change, doctor, cook (informal), rig, interfere with, fiddle with (informal), juggle, tamper with, tinker with, misrepresent The government manipulated the figures.


verb1. To use with or as if with the hands:handle, ply, wield.2. To handle in a way so as to mix, form, and shape:knead, work.3. To control to one's own advantage by artful or indirect means:exploit, maneuver, play.


(məˈnipjuleit) verb1. to handle especially skilfully. I watched him manipulating the controls of the aircraft. 操作(尤指熟練地) 熟练控制2. to manage or influence cleverly (and dishonestly). A clever lawyer can manipulate a jury. (暗中)操控 (暗中)操纵 maˌnipuˈlation noun 操作,操控 操作maˈnipulator noun 操作者 操作者





(mə-nĭp′yə-lāt′)tr.v. manipu·lated, manipu·lating, manipu·lates 1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or another body part or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner: She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted.2. To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public opinion in his favor.3. To tamper with or falsify for personal gain: tried to manipulate stock prices.4. Medicine To handle and move in an examination or for therapeutic purposes: manipulate a joint; manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery.
ma·nip′u·lat′a·ble adj.ma·nip′u·la′tor n.ma·nip′u·la·to′ry (-lə-tôr′ē) adj.

Patient discussion about manipulate

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma here on this site. I hope it helps.http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=relatedListen to it and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience. Does it help you to understand?A. If you find another video or a text and you are not sure about the content, tell me about it and I will study it and present it here to help you understand with the community. In the moment that you start to listen and read between the lines you will got a kick, but a healthy one. We are here to help you and when I can also teach you this way and it helps you, I will do my best.
I am the topic-manager for "bipolar disorder", "depression" and new for "diabetes" too.
Read my answers with two critical eyes, test me, check me, check it out, to become a professional tester and checker in health and other themes. I check always first my doctors before I keep them. But then the distance is for me irrelevant, because such a good doctor is for me very precious!

Q. Do you want to learn how we got manipulated by some? I noticed an educational video about Asthma. I hope it helps.http://youtube.com/watch?v=jmuWKSRqvKI&featured=relatedListen to eat and read my answer about it. Thank you for your patience.A. Listen to what the man tells you right at the beginning of this video. "You are not alone... learning to CONTROL the SYMPTOMS of asthma and COPD... therefore more can be done to help you MANAGE YOUR SYMPTOMS and live a fuller life...". Do you hear what they say to you? Do they talk about curing you from Asthma? NO, they tell you to keep your symptoms and to learn to live with it. Are they interested that you get rid of your Asthma? NO, they just want you to keep it that way, but some shity drugs should keep you asthmatic, so that they can earn money with you... Listen exactly to what people tells you. Learn with this simple example the subtle way they pretend to help you, but they are absolutely not interested to cure you! Do you see the problem which is around us with such hypocrites/pretenders? I am grateful for this good bad example. Asthma can be cured, but you should not know about it. Please learn to understand. I thank you for your attention.

Q. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not... President Abraham Lincoln said:You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.A. By the way, Abraham Lincoln had Sanpaku eyes. Other persons with this different eyes were Marylin Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Herbert von Karajan, Bette Davis, Michael Chaplin, Willy Brandt, Harry Belafonte, Natalie Wood, Günter Grass, Vincent L. Broderick, Joe Curran, Mark A. Fein, Charles E. Wright and many others like lixurion999.

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The attempt or act to artificially change the price of a security or a market movement with the intent to make a profit. One example is wash selling, in which an investor both sells then quickly re-buys the same security, hoping to create the impression of increased trading volume, and therefore raise the price. Another is churning, in which an investor makes both buy and sell orders through different brokers to create the impression of increased interest in the security and raise the price. Manipulation can be used to both increase and decrease prices, depending on the investor's perceived needs. Manipulation is illegal under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. See also: Antitrust, Fix.


To cause a security to sell at an artificial price. Although investment bankers are permitted to manipulate temporarily the stock they underwrite, most other forms of manipulation are illegal.Case Study Manipulation of security prices is not limited to industry professionals out for a quick buck. In early 2001 the Securities and Exchange Commission settled securities fraud charges with former burrito vendor Yun Soo Oh Park IV, known to his Internet followers as "Tokyo Joe." As part of the settlement Park agreed to return nearly a quarter of a million dollars in trading profits. According to SEC charges, to which Park did not admit or deny wrongdoing, the 50-year-old Korean native engaged in stock manipulation by recommending on Internet message boards stocks he already owned. He then sold his own shares as the recommended stocks rose in price. As Park's legend grew several thousand people agreed to pay an annual fee to receive an advance notice of his postings. The SEC also charged that Park was paid by a firm to recommend its stock. Park's lawyers claimed their client's actions were protected by free speech and not subject to federal securities regulation.


  • verb

Synonyms for manipulate

verb influence


  • influence
  • control
  • direct
  • guide
  • conduct
  • negotiate
  • exploit
  • steer
  • manoeuvre
  • do a number on
  • twist around your little finger

verb work


  • work
  • use
  • operate
  • handle
  • employ
  • wield

verb massage


  • massage
  • rub
  • knead
  • palpate

verb falsify


  • falsify
  • alter
  • distort
  • change
  • doctor
  • cook
  • rig
  • interfere with
  • fiddle with
  • juggle
  • tamper with
  • tinker with
  • misrepresent

Synonyms for manipulate

verb to use with or as if with the hands


  • handle
  • ply
  • wield

verb to handle in a way so as to mix, form, and shape


  • knead
  • work

verb to control to one's own advantage by artful or indirect means


  • exploit
  • maneuver
  • play

Synonyms for manipulate

verb influence or control shrewdly or deviously


  • pull strings
  • pull wires

Related Words

  • act upon
  • influence
  • work

verb hold something in one's hands and move it

Related Words

  • palm
  • handle
  • lay hands on
  • mouse
  • fiddle with
  • twiddle
  • wield
  • manage
  • control
  • operate
  • massage
  • rub down
  • knead
  • work
  • shuffle
  • mix
  • ruffle
  • monkey
  • tamper
  • fiddle
  • diddle
  • toy
  • play

verb tamper, with the purpose of deception


  • fudge
  • misrepresent
  • wangle
  • fake
  • falsify
  • cook

Related Words

  • chisel
  • cheat
  • juggle

verb manipulate in a fraudulent manner


  • rig

Related Words

  • price

verb control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage


  • keep in line
  • control

Related Words

  • tease
  • handle
  • ingratiate
  • interact

verb treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed

Related Words

  • care for
  • treat




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