释义 |
ma·nip·u·late M0082100 (mə-nĭp′yə-lāt′)tr.v. ma·nip·u·lat·ed, ma·nip·u·lat·ing, ma·nip·u·lates 1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or another body part or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner: She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted. See Synonyms at handle.2. To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public opinion in his favor.3. To tamper with or falsify for personal gain: tried to manipulate stock prices.4. Medicine To handle and move in an examination or for therapeutic purposes: manipulate a joint; manipulate the position of a fetus during delivery. [Back-formation from manipulation.] ma·nip′u·lat′a·ble adj.ma·nip′u·la′tor n.ma·nip′u·la·to′ry (-lə-tôr′ē) adj.EncyclopediaSeeManipulatorMedicalSeemanipulatorFinancialSeemanipulate |