Nordic Fest

Nordic Fest

Last full weekend in JulyThe Nordic Fest held annually in Decorah, Iowa, prides itself on preserving the area's Norwegian heritage without resorting to commercialism. From Friday night through Sunday of the last full weekend in July, the festival offers arts and crafts displays, dances, lectures, concerts, sporting events, and museum visits. Both the Norwegian-American Museum and the Porter House Museum are open to visitors, and there is a walking tour of the Home of the Trolls—a troll being the Norwegian version of the pixie or elf. The festival begins with a parade and Norse Fire Celebration, and the events that follow are all designed to highlight a particular aspect of Decorah's Norwegian heritage. Scandinavian dancers perform, Norse plays are put on for the children, and special Norwegian and English church services are held.
The festival has been held annually in Decorah since 1967. The Luther College Women's Club had sponsored a Scandinavian Festival Day since 1936, and eventually it was expanded to the present three-day event.
Nordic Fest
507 W. Water St.
P.O. Box 364
Decorah, IA 52101
800-382-3378 or 563-382-3990
GdUSFest-1984, p. 55