Lenin Prizes

Lenin Prizes


in the USSR, one of the highest awards given to citizens for the most outstanding achievements in science, technology, literature, art, and architecture. Instituted in 1925, they were not awarded between 1935 and 1957. In 1957 the awarding of Lenin Prizes was renewed for outstanding scientific works, architectural and technological structures, inventions introduced into the economy, and technological processes; at the same time, Lenin Prizes were also instituted for outstanding works of literature and art. Under the Sept. 9, 1966, decree of the Central Committee (CC) of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Collection of Decrees of the USSR, 1966, no. 21, art. 188), 30 Lenin Prizes are awarded once in two years, of which 25 are for science and technology and five for literature, art, and architecture. In 1970 an additional prize was established for children’s literature and art (Mar. 26, 1969, decree of the CC of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Collection of Decrees of the USSR, 1969, no. 8, art. 48). Each Lenin Prize carries a cash award of 10,000 rubles.

The present statute concerning the Lenin Prizes was ratified by the CC of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Feb. 17, 1967 (Collection of Decrees of the USSR, 1967, no. 6, art. 29). The statute designates the state, public, and scientific organizations that may propose works for the Lenin Prize competition. These organizations are the presidiums of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and of the academies of sciences of the Union republics, the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, the V. I. Lenin All-Union Agricultural Academy, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, scientific and engineering societies, collegiums of ministries of the USSR and the Union republics, state committees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Union republics, committees under the auspices of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, and the CC of the Komsomol. Works may also be recommended by the boards of unions of writers, artists, composers, architects, cinematographers, and journalists of the USSR, the presidium of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, theater societies of the republics, scientific research organizations, planning and design organizations, publishing houses, the editorial boards of newspapers and journals, and meetings of labor groups at enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

In order to be eligible for the competition, scientific works and works of literature, art, and architecture must be printed, publicly performed, or built no later than one year prior to the time established for proposing candidates. Works in technology and production are submitted after their introduction into the economy.

Works awarded the State Prize of the USSR may not be proposed for the Lenin Prizes, and the same work may not be entered simultaneously for the Lenin and the State Prizes of the USSR.

The committees on the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR under the Council of Ministers of the USSR consider the works presented and award the prizes. The decrees of the CC of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the awarding of the Lenin Prizes are published in the press on the anniversary of Lenin’s birth. Persons receiving the prizes are given the title of Lenin Prize Laureate and are presented with a diploma, badge of honor, and certificate. Lenin Prizes are not awarded twice.