

单词 kluge
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and kluge (klədʒ and kludʒ)1. n. a patch or a fix in a computer program or circuit. This is a messy kludge, but it will do the job. 2. tv. to patch or fix a computer program circuit. I only have time to kludge this problem.


verbSee kludge



(jargon)/klooj/, /kluhj/ (From German "klug" /kloog/ - cleverand Scottish "kludge") 1. A Rube Goldberg (or HeathRobinson) device, whether in hardware or software.

The spelling "kluge" (as opposed to "kludge") was used inconnection with computers as far back as the mid-1950s and, atthat time, was used exclusively of *hardware* kluges.

2. A clever programming trick intended to solvea particular nasty case in an expedient, if not clear, manner.Often used to repair bugs. Often involves ad-hockery andverges on being a crock. In fact, the TMRC Dictionarydefined "kludge" as "a crock that works".

3. Something that works for the wrong reason.

4. (WPI) A feature that is implemented in a rude manner.

In 1947, the "New York Folklore Quarterly" reported a classicshaggy-dog story "Murgatroyd the Kluge Maker" then current inthe Armed Forces, in which a "kluge" was a complex andpuzzling artifact with a trivial function. Other sourcesreport that "kluge" was common Navy slang in the WWII era forany piece of electronics that worked well on shore butconsistently failed at sea.

However, there is reason to believe this slang use may be adecade older. Several respondents have connected it to thebrand name of a device called a "Kluge paper feeder" datingback at least to 1935, an adjunct to mechanical printingpresses. The Kluge feeder was designed before small, cheapelectric motors and control electronics; it relied on afiendishly complex assortment of cams, belts, and linkages toboth power and synchronise all its operations from one motivedriveshaft. It was accordingly tempermental, subject tofrequent breakdowns, and devilishly difficult to repair - butoh, so clever! One traditional folk etymology of "klugen"makes it the name of a design engineer; in fact, "Kluge" is asurname in German, and the designer of the Kluge feeder maywell have been the man behind this myth.

TMRC and the MIT hacker culture of the early 1960s seems tohave developed in a milieu that remembered and still used someWWII military slang (see also foobar). It seems likely that"kluge" came to MIT via alumni of the many militaryelectronics projects run in Cambridge during the war (many inMIT's venerable Building 20, which housed TMRC until thebuilding was demolished in 1999).




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