Kluver-Bucy syndrome

Klü·ver-Bu·cy syn·drome

(klē'vĕr bū'sē), characterized by psychic blindness or hyperreactivity to visual stimuli, increased oral and sexual activity, and depressed drive and emotional reactions. Reported in monkeys after bilateral temporal lobe ablation, but rarely reported in humans.
A syndrome characterised by hypersexuality, visual agnosia, decreased recognition of people, loss of fear and anger responses, rage reactions, memory loss, seizures, dementia, excess oral behaviour, memory defects, and overreaction to visual stimuli
Aetiology Herpes encephalitis, trauma with bilateral damage to the anterior temporal lobes or due to temporal lobectomy

Kluver-Bucy syndrome

Psychiatry A syndrome following bilateral temporal lobe removal characterized by ↓ recognition of people, loss of fear, rage reactions, hypersexuality, excess oral behavior, memory defects, overreaction to visual stimuli


Paul C., U.S. neurosurgeon, 1904-1992. Bucy cordotomy knifeBucy knifeBucy laminectomy rongeurBucy retractorBucy tubeKlüver-Bucy syndrome - see under Klüver


Heinrich, German-born U.S. neurologist, 1897-1979. Klüver-Barrera Luxol fast blue stain - in combination with cresyl violet, a stain useful for demonstrating myelin and Nissl substance.Klüver-Bucy syndrome - a syndrome mostly reported in monkeys, characterized by psychic blindness or hyperreactivity to visual stimuli, increased oral and sexual activity, and depressed drive and emotional reactions.