

单词 nep



abbr.1. New Economic Policy2. non-English proficient


abbreviation for 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) New Economic Policy 2. (Automotive Engineering) Nepal (international car registration)



see New Economic PolicyNew Economic Policy
(NEP), official economic reconstruction program of the USSR from 1921 to 1928. It replaced the economic policies of "war Communism" (1918–21), an emergency program established by Lenin during the civil war.
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[nep] (textiles) Any small entanglement of textile fibers that cannot be unraveled; formed during carding or ginning.


NEPNational Estuary Program (US EPA)
NEPNew Economic Policy
NEPNational Emphasis Program
NEPNew England Patriots
NEPNational Expenditure Program (Philippines)
NEPNetwork Equipment Providers
NEPNode Error Program
NEPNational Environment Programme (UK)
NEPNoise Equivalent Power
NEPNet Ecosystem Productivity
NEPNeedle Exchange Program
NEPNet Earned Premium (insurance accounting)
NEPChina North East Petroleum
NEPNational Education Plan
NEPNon English Proficient
NEPNational Exercise Program
NEPNuclear Electric Propulsion
NEPNorth Ecliptic Pole
NEPNew Ecological Paradigm
NEPNetwork Equipment Provider
NEPNorth East Province (various locations)
NEPNew Economic Papers
NEPNuclear Export Protein
NEPNew Economic Program
NEPNiagara Escarpment Plan
NEPNetwork Entry Point
NEPNutrition Enhancement Program (various organizations)
NEPNew Era Publications
NEPNonessential Experimental Population (wildlife)
NEPNegotiated Education Plan (Australia)
NEPNever Ending Program
NEPNetwork Educational Press (UK)
NEPNew England Peptide, LLC
NEPNorth East Patches (England NHS organizations utilizing a shared Oracle financials eBusiness system)
NEPNever Ending Policy
NEPNew England Philharmonic
NEPNortheast Portland
NEPNash Equilibrium Point
NEPNursing Education Program
NEPNon-Equity Partner (business relationship)
NEPNonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem (mathematics)
NEPNetwork Element Processor
NEPNonsymmetric Eigenproblem
NEPNowaja Ekonomitscheskaja Politika (Russian: new economic policy; in the 1920s)
NEPNational Environmental Plan
NEPNavy Enterprise Portal
NEPNew England Press
NEPNominal Entry Point
NEPNeurobiologie Et Psychiatrie
NEPNDI Evaluation Report
NEPNuclear Event Protection
NEPNew England Pottery Co. (Boston, MA)
NEPNice Euchre, Partner (online gaming chat)
NEPNational ELINT Plan
NEPNative Execution Preprocessor
NEPNet Effective Price
NEPNationwide Express Parcels (UK)
NEPNon-Equal Partition




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