apparent leg length discrepancy measurement test
apparent leg length discrepancy measurement test
A clinical test used to identify differences in leg length.Technique
The patient begins lying supine with his or her hip flexed to 45º, the knee flexed to 90º, and both feet lined up next to each other with medial malleoli and 1st MTP joints touching. The examiner holds the patient’s feet to the table, instructs the patient to raise his or her pelvis off the table and then lower it back, while observing the patient from the side, viewing both tibial tubercles for anterior positioning of one knee compared to the other. The examiner also observes the patient from the front (viewing the top of both patellae) for height differences of one knee compared to the other.
Positive test
Anterior positioning and/or height differences of one knee compared to the other implies either femoral length difference (lateral view—increased anterior position) or tibial length difference (front view—increased height difference).