Mikhail Tebenkov
Teben’kov, Mikhail Dmitrievich
Born 1802; died Apr. 3(15), 1872. Russian hydrographer and explorer of Russian America and the Kuril Islands; vice admiral.
From 1825 to 1839, Teben’kov was in command of vessels of the Russian-American Company, and between 1829 and 1831 he conducted a survey of Norton Sound and the Alexander Archipelago. From 1845 to 1850 he was chief administrator of Russian America. Teben’kov compiled the Atlas of the Northwestern Coasts of America From the Bering Strait to Cape Corrientes and the Aleutian Islands With the Addition of Several Locations on the Northeastern Coast of Asia and Hydrographie Notes to the Atlas ... (1852). A volcano on Iturup Island is named for Teben’kov.