Mikhail Tronov

Tronov, Mikhail Vladimirovich


Born Nov. 5 (17), 1892, in Zmeinogorsk, in what is now Altai Krai. Soviet glaciologist and climatologist. Doctor of geographical sciences (1950); Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1967).

Tronov graduated from the University of Tomsk in 1920. In 1912 he began a series of studies of the Mountain Altai. More than half of the known glaciers in the region have been discovered by him. Tronov joined the staff of the University of Tomsk in 1927 and became a professor at the university in 1950. In 1973 he established at the University of Tomsk the only glacioclimato-logical laboratory in the USSR; he served as the laboratory’s first director.

Tronov’s main works deal with the interaction of climate and glaciation and with the theoretical foundations of glacioclimatology.

Tronov received the State Prize of the USSR in 1950 and was awarded the Great Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of the USSR in 1972. Glaciers in the Altai, the Urals, and the Tien-Shan have been named for Tronov.


Ocherki oledeneniia Altaia. Moscow, 1949.
Voprosy gornoigliatsiologii. Moscow, 1954.
Problemy razvitiia lednikov. Tomsk, 1960.
Ledniki i klimat. Leningrad, 1966.
Faktory oledeneniia i razvitiia lednikov. Tomsk, 1972.


Ivanovskii, L. N. “50 let nauchno-pedagogicheskoi deiatel’nosti M. V. Tronova.” Izv. Vses. geografich. ob-va, 1963, vol. 95, issue 3.
“Mikhail Vladimirovich Tronov (k 75-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).” Materialy gliatsiologicheskikh issledovanii: Khronika, obsuzhdeniia, 1967, fase. 13.
“Iubilei stareishego sovetskogo gliatsiologa.” In the collection Gliatsiologiia Altaia, fase. 7. Tomsk, 1972.