Mikhail Vladimirovich Kostenko
Kostenko, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Born Dec. 15 (28), 1912, in Nikolaev. Soviet scientist in power engineering; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1962). Became a member of the CPSU in 1945. After graduating from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1938, he taught there, becoming a professor and head of the subdepartment of high-voltage engineering in 1955. His principal works are on methods of calculating the oscillations and waves in electric circuits. He has been awarded the Order of Lenin and medals.
Atmosfernye perenapriazheniia i grozozashchita vysokovol’tnykh ustanovok. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.Metody rascheta elektrostaticheskikh polei. Moscow, 1963. (With others.)
Tekhnika vysokikh napriazhenii. Moscow, 1973. (With others.)