Oracle Corporation

Oracle Corporation

(company)The world's leading supplier of informationmanagement software. The company, worth $2 billion, offersits products, along with related consulting, education andsupport services in more than 90 countries around the world.

Oracle is best known for its database management systemsvendor and relational DBMS products. Oracle develops andmarkets Oracle Media Server and the Oracle7 family ofsoftware products for database management; Co-operative Development Environment and Oracle Co-operative Applications

Oracle software runs on personal digital assistants,set-top boxs, IBM PCs, workstations, minicomputers,mainframes and massively parallel computers.

See also Adaptable User Interface, Bookviewer,CASE*Method, Component Integration Laboratories, DDE Manager, Online Media, Oracle Card, Oracle*CASE,siod.

Address: Redwood Shores, CA, USA.