Kniazev, Vasilii

Kniazev, Vasilii Vasil’evich


Born Jan. 6 (18), 1887, in Tiumen’; died Nov. 10, 1937 (according to other data, March 1938). Russian Soviet poet.

Kniazev was the son of a merchant. From 1908 to 1914 he was a contributor to Satyrikon. In 1911 and 1912 several of his poems were published in Zvezda and Pravda. Kniazev’s prerevolutionary satire was marked by a spirit of denunciation (the collection Bipeds Without Feathers, 1914). In January 1918, Kniazev began working on Krasnaia gazeta (Red Newspaper) in Petrograd. His poems, songs, revolutionary satires, and other works appeared in print daily and were a chronicle of the heroic times (the collection Songs of the Red Bell-ringer, 1919).


Za chetvert’ veka (1905–1930). Leningrad, 1935.
Izbrannoe. [Foreword by V. Saianov.] Leningrad, 1959.


[Evstigneeva, L. A.] “V. V. Kniazev.” In Poety “Satirikona. “Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.
Shatseva, R. “Poet revoliutsionnogo Petrograda.” Zvezda, 1960, no. 11.