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manometerTo calculate pressure in aU-tube manometer, add the sum of the readings above and below zero. The manometer on the right shows a reading of 4.ma·nom·e·ter M0086300 (mă-nŏm′ĭ-tər)n.1. An instrument used for measuring the pressure of liquids and gases.2. A sphygmomanometer. [Greek manos, sparse; see men- in Indo-European roots + -meter.] man′o·met′ric (măn′ə-mĕt′rĭk), man′o·met′ri·cal adj.man′o·met′ri·cal·ly adv.ma·nom′e·try n.Translationsmanometry
manometry[mə′näm·ə·trē] (engineering) The use of manometers to measure gas and vapor pressures. manometry
manometry [mah-nom´ĕ-trē] the measurement of pressure by means of a manometer.esophageal manometry a diagnostic study to assess the competence of the lower esophageal sphincter. A catheter sheathed with a water-filled balloon is inserted nasally and advanced into the esophagus; a series of measurements reflecting esophageal resting pressures are taken as the catheters are moved.ma·nom·e·try (mă-nom'ĕ-trē), Avoid the misspelling/mispronunciation monometry.Measurement of the pressure of gases or fluids by means of a manometer. Synonym(s): manoscopy [see manometer] manometry The recording of pressure in an inelastic liquid or gas. Manometry is the standard for the diagnosis of motor disorders of the body of the oesophagus and lower sphincter; it allows intraluminal evaluation of pressure based on perstaltic performance, contraction wave configuration and the sphincter’s basal pressure and relaxation.manometry The recording of pressure in an inelastic liquid or gas; manometry is the standard for the diagnosis of motor disorders of the body of the esophagus and lower sphincter, and allows intraluminal evaluation of pressure based on perstaltic performance, contraction wave configuration, and the sphincter's basal pressure and relaxationma·nom·e·try (mă-nom'ĕ-trē) Measurement of the pressure of gases by means of a manometer. See: manometerManometryA balloon study of internal anal sphincter pressure and relaxation.Mentioned in: Diffuse Esophageal Spasm, Esophageal Pouches, Hirschsprung's DiseaseThesaurusSeemanometer |