Mikulicz-Vladimiroff amputation

Mi·ku·licz-Vlad·i·mir·off am·pu·ta·tion

(mē'kū-lich vlad'ē-mĭ-rof), an osteoplastic resection of the foot in which the talus and calcaneus are excised, the anterior row of tarsal bones being united to the lower end of the tibia, the articular surfaces of both being removed; the lower end of the stump is therefore the anterior portion of the foot, the patient walking thereafter on tiptoe. Synonym(s): Vladimiroff-Mikulicz amputation


Johannes (Jan) von-Radecki, Polish surgeon in Germany, 1850-1905. Heineke-Mikulicz herniorrhaphyHeineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty - see under HeinekeMikulicz angleMikulicz aphthae - a severe form of aphthae. Synonym(s): aphthae majorMikulicz clampMikulicz crusherMikulicz disease - benign swelling of the lacrimal, and usually also of the salivary glands, in consequence of an infiltration of and replacement of the normal gland structure by lymphoid tissue.Mikulicz drainMikulicz forcepsMikulicz incisionMikulicz mask - gauze-covered frame, worn over the nose and mouth while performing surgery.Mikulicz operationMikulicz packMikulicz padMikulicz retractorMikulicz spongeMikulicz syndrome - symptoms characteristic of Mikulicz disease occurring as a complication of some other disease, such as lymphoma or leukemia.Mikulicz-Vladimiroff amputation - an osteoplastic resection of the foot. Synonym(s): Vladimiroff-Mikulicz amputationVladimiroff-Mikulicz amputation - Synonym(s): Mikulicz-Vladimiroff amputation


Vladimir D., Russian surgeon, 1837-1903. Mikulicz-Vladimiroff amputation - see under MikuliczVladimiroff-Mikulicz amputation - Synonym(s): Mikulicz-Vladimiroff amputation