Leonid Genrikhovich Zorin
Zorin, Leonid Genrikhovich
Born Mar. 11, 1924, in Baku. Soviet Russian dramatist. Member of the CPSU since 1952.
Zorin graduated from the S. M. Kirov Azerbaijan University in 1946 and from the M. Gorky Literary Institute in 1947. His first play, Youth (1949), was produced by the Malyi Theater. Later theaters in Moscow, Leningrad, and other cities staged the plays The Guests (1954), Radiant May (1958), Kind Hearts (1959), The Deck (1963), The Encyclopedists (1962), Dion (produced in 1965), The Decembrists (produced in 1967), Warsaw Melody (1967), Serafim, or Three Chapters From the Life of Kramol’nikov (1968), and The Coronation (produced in 1969). He worked as a scenarist on the films Peace to Him Who Enters (1961; with A. A. Alov and V. N. Naumov)andFriends and Years (1966). Zorin seeks to create an acute, socially significant conflict and to pose serious social problems, often exhibiting a satirical bent. Some of his plays have been produced abroad.
Svetlyi Mai. Dobriaki. Uvidet’ vovremia. Po moskovskomu vremeni. Moscow, 1962.Dekabristy. Moscow, 1969.
“O p’ese L. Zorina ‘Gosti.’” Sovetskaia Kul’tura, June 5, 1954.Svobodin, A. “Sentimental’nyi val’s vakhtangovtsev.” Teatr, 1967, no. 6.
Lakshin, V. “Posev i zhatva.” Novyi mir, 1968, no. 9.
Istoriia sovetskogo dramaticheskogo teatra, vol. 6 (1953—67). Moscow, 1971. (See index of titles and names.)