knight in shining armor, a

knight in shining armor

A selfless, chivalrous man who helps a woman in distress. When the police officer pulled over to help the old woman change her flat tire, she hugged him and said he was her knight in shining armor.See also: armor, knight, shine

knight in shining armor

A rescuer or defender, as in What this political party needs is a knight in shining armor to change its tarnished image . This metaphoric expression alludes to a medieval knight. [Mid-1900s] See also: armor, knight, shine

knight in shining armor, a

A rescuer or deliverer. This term, which recalls the age of chivalry through the image of a dashing knight on horseback clad in polished armor, dates from the sixteenth century but has been in figurative use only since the mid-twentieth century. John Ciardi pointed out that the phrase has been used with two meanings: the “Mr. Right” of a young girl’s dreams, rescuing her from the humdrum with the promise of romance, and in politics, the idealistic reformer. One might add a third, the white knight of the modern-day corporation, who rescues the company from a hostile raider and averts an unwanted takeover. Quite figuratively, the poet William Rose Benét wrote, “Like a knight in glittering armor, Laughter stood up at his side” (“The Last Ally”).See also: knight, shine

knight in shining armor

A wonderful guy. Fairy tales chronicled fair maidens in distress who were rescued at the last minute from dragons and ogres by a gallant knight in gleaming armor, where-upon they all lived happily ever after. Even if a young woman didn't view herself as a princess or consider herself in desperate straits, she still imagined herself being carried off by the man of her dreams, Prince Charming, a knight in shining armor.See also: armor, knight, shine