Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge
Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge
Kenmare, ND 58746
Web: lostwood.fws.gov
Established: 1935.
Location:Northwestern North Dakota.
Facilities:Viewing sites, trails, auto tour route.
Activities:Canoeing, hunting, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing.
Special Features:About 70% of Lostwood is virgin prairie. Most wetlands were not drained and remain as they were prior to settlement. In 1975, more than 5,500 acres were set aside as the Lostwood Wilderness Area.
Habitats: 26,747 acres of rolling hills, with short-grass and mixed grass prairie interspersed with numerous wetlands.
Access: Year round during daylight hours.
Wild life: Migratory waterfowl including blue-winged teal, mallard, gadwall, widgeon, lesser scaup, redheads, and canvasbacks. Other birds include Virginia rail, marbled godwit, Wilson' s phalarope, American avocet, sparrows, upland sandpiper, sharp-tailed grouse, northern harriers, and giant Canada geese. Also home to white-tailed deer, badger, weasel, and white-tailed jackrabbit.
See other parks in North Dakota.