nuclear spindle

mi·tot·ic spin·dle

the fusiform figure characteristic of a dividing cell; it consists of microtubules (s. fibers), some of which become attached to each chromosome at its centromere and are involved in chromosomal movement; other microtubules (continuous fibers) pass from pole to pole. Synonym(s): nuclear spindle

mi·tot·ic spin·dle

(mī-tot'ik spin'dĕl) The fusiform figure characteristic of a dividing cell; it consists of microtubules (spindle fibers), some of which become attached to each chromosome at its centromere and appear to be involved in chromosomal movement; other microtubules (continuous fibers) pass from pole to pole.
Synonym(s): nuclear spindle.

nuclear spindle

a system of microtubules that forms a network on which chromosome separation occurs during MITOSIS and MEIOSIS.